It's Monday, and I'm awake and dressed, it's the perfect day to go to the gym. Or maybe not.
Because it IS Monday, the start of the week, and we have so much stuff to do around here that I don't want to stop that forward motion. The household purge continues, as does going through clothes that don't fit the kids and they think are still fine to wear, plundering toy caches for items long forgotten, school work needs to be done, school reports are due and need to be written and sent in. Not to mention, and I'm super excited about this one, we officially start the family read aloud today! We finished A Wrinkle In Time, K1 had read it a few months ago, and Lil Monster has chosen our first family book: Antony and Cleopatra from The Shakespeare Stories collection. I bought them last year as an introduction to Shakespeare for her. They are fantastic, short, abridged beginner books. It won't take us long to get through, and give the kids a good idea of what they're in for later on.
K1 gets to choose our next book. I think he's chosen The Ranger's Apprentice: The Ruins of Gorlan. He's been encouraging K2 to read this series, I think that aided his decision in what book he decided on for us. He said he really enjoyed that series and he wouldn't mind going through it again. I think that's pretty high praise, coming from a 15 year old, about a book!
Then there's the age old adage: What's for dinner? I haven't decided yet. We had Instant Pot Chicken Tikka Masala, rice, and naan last night. I thought it was delicious! K1 said he liked it and would eat it again, K2 and Lil Monster weren't impressed. I'm not sure what we will have tonight. Salad, for sure, but for our main course, I have no idea. Maybe pork chops.
In between all of stuff today we will begin a new at home workout routine. I've decided to outline it like this:
Monday: Yoga - because the boys can't touch their toes. This boggles my mind.
Tuesday: Back and Biceps- adapted from a routine I used at the gym, but this will be done using the B.M.P. resistance band set. I've had it for years, and it's been set on one of our doors just as long, but mostly never used.
Wednesday: Shoulders, calves, and Abs, adapted from previously mentioned routine. We will be using light 3lb & 5lb dumbbells, the stairs, and pull up bar in reverse for crunches.
Thursday: Legs, Calves, and Abs using the resistance band set, stairs, and pull up bar.
Friday: Chest & Triceps. The pull up bar, resistance bands, and dumbbells will work for this also.
If you're interested, here is the link to the routine I used ages ago. There aren't any reps or sets listed on that link. Many of them were similar to 12, 12, 12, 10, 5, 5. Abs were along the lines of 2-3 sets of 15. They were designed to get you to muscle failure. I'm not looking to do that with my kids. We aren't trying to burn fat or turn into body-builders. No, this will be done at their pace and ability with the lightest weights and resistance. We have no goals of getting ripped for summer. This is to encourage more activity during cold temperatures and shortened days.
I plan on getting them up to the indoor track, as time allows, for more cardio fun. That I would like them to build on before our indoor soccer season starts. Once it does, early to mid February, I'll tone it down since they will be doing quite a bit of running during that.
How do I encourage running at the track? Well, I let them get hyped, jump around and get the blood flowing. Make sure everyone has easy access to water, or know where the water fountains, and bathrooms (someone always has to pee suddenly, happens every time) are, and let them set up their audiobooks/music with their headphones. I don't expect more than a mile. If you want to run it, awesome (I am not a runner, I've never claimed to be one, nor do I have any aspirations of that sort). Want to walk it with me? Okay then. Want me to encourage you to run the straight away's and walk to curves? I can do that. Whatever is your ability of desire, I don't care. As long as you are MOVING.
For Lil Monster, being active isn't an issue. She runs laps around my house, FOR FUN. Can you believe that? Fun!
Don't get me wrong, there are random times when the running bug hits me and I'll jog a bit. Other than that I'm definitely more of the "if you see me running you'd better run too" variety.
And no, I will not run for wine, or doughnuts, or cake, or anything like that. I will run, for my life, but that's about it.
I can walk for hours though. That counts.
What's so great about getting workouts done at home? Well, since we homeschool and spend the majority of our time at home, it makes for awesome "brain breaks" to transition between subjects. It's even good for when the kiddos just aren't in the mood to do something. Stop for a few, do a few exercises, laugh at each other, encourage each other, then go back to work.
If you're the sort to workout Dance Party style, go for it! Set the timer for 15 minutes and rock out. You're moving! That's what matters.
I remember trying to tone up before getting married. I would lay blankets on the floor and do sit-ups, push ups, leg raises, etc., during every commercial break as I watched tv. That was before all of this on-demand stuff was the primary go to for shows.
There are so many ways to get and stay active when you don't have time to make a gym run. Set reminders on your phone for every hour or so to get up and do something.
That motivation is tough. Believe me, I know. I can't begin to estimate the amount of times I said I wanted to go to the gym. Did I? Nope. A gym buddy is awesome. They will help you get motivated, or kick your butt all the way there. If going to the gym is what you want.
You can get workouts in at home without a bunch of gym equipment! Yea, it's nice to have a set up, but let's face it: for the majority of us those end up turning into super expensive clothes racks. Or forgotten about altogether.
Use what you have: stairs, chairs, the couch, bed, floor. All of those places can be used to aid in a decent home workout. Save those gallon milk jugs, clean them out and make your own weights! Use your broom handle to slide through the jug handles to make a weighted bar. Get a jump rope, or make one.
Really, the point is that there are a ton of ways out there to get moving. I know there are numerous websites, pins on Pinterest, FB pages, etc., to give you more ideas.
I love Bikini Body Mommy! She's encouraging, even during a workout. What's even better? She has FREE workouts!
You feel better when you've done something active. You're happier, sometimes sore, but you feel accomplished. Just remember that feeling when you think "ugh, I really just want to sit and veg out in front of the tv today." Don't let a workout stop you from catching up on your shows. Do it WHILE you work out. Little one hogging the tv? Give them 20 more minutes, find a 20 minute workout video and get going with Paw Patrol or Dora going on in the background. Trust me, after a few minutes of huffing and puffing, you'll forget all about the irritation you have at listening to the SAME EPISODE again for the billionth time. Maybe.
Went the whole day and didn't do anything too active? That's OKAY! There's always tomorrow. Don't make an excuse for it. You didn't get to it. Okay, whatever. Everyone needs a day (week, month, year...s) to get back into it. Sometimes you genuinely can't do a workout. At home or otherwise. Physical health reasons, mental health reasons, just because you don't f*cking feel like it. I've been there. Just don't give up. Take it little by little and build yourself up.
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