Day 2 of January 2018
So far, so good.
Today was our first day easing back into our normal homeschool routine. Thankfully the kids didn't give me too much grief over it.

K2 is still kind of sluggish in his courses. He enjoys most of them, he just doesn't want to do them. The puberty is going to be strong with this one.

Lil Monster was the only one to start the day off with a sour expression when I wrote their to-do's on the whiteboard. She came around after reading a chapter in her book. That's definitely my girl. Nothing like escaping into a book for a bit to improve your mood.

I was successful in re-homing a bed frame today! Hooray for a step forward in cutting out the fluff! One more bed frame and a ton of other stuff to go, but we are moving in the right direction.

Another high-light to the day, I was able to do my grocery shopping for this pay-period online, no impulse buys, and they brought it out to my car. How awesome is that?! I knew you could order online and pick up in store, but being able to just park, make a call, and let them bring it out and load it up for me? Mind. Blown.
If you have this service in your area, use it. At least once.
If you're a busy mom, like me, an anxious mom, also like me, this service is the best thing EVER.
I refreshed my Usborne page so many times today waiting on the in stock list to update. It finally did around noon, AKST. One of the books I have been waiting for finally dropped. I am excited to add Amazing Women to our home library! Lil Monster has a keen interest in historical figures. I think this book will make for a great family read aloud book. It may be short, but it's quality not quantity, right?

So, what might Day 3 of 2018 bring for my Alaska household? Hopefully some more people taking more of our fluff. We will also be starting our first family read aloud of the year: A Wrinkle In Time. K1 has already read it, the rest of us have not. At least, I can't recall reading it. The movie looks promising, only time will tell.

For now, I get to finish my Chardonnay, lie in bed, and read some more of my current escape: Sleeping Beauties by Stephen King and Owen King.
Don't let my wine glass deceive you, there was a respectable amount in it to begin with.
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