Friday, January 5, 2018

Who is Mrs. Which???

*Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click and make a purchase.*

I feel lied to. 

The title of chapter three was "Mrs. Which." Nothing on our journey through that deceitful chapter alluded to Mrs. Which at all. Not until the last half page, or so. 

We were able to see the blossoming relationship between Meg and Calvin. If you haven't read A Wrinkle In Time, you should!, I won't ruin it for you. I will say that if the first chapter or two feels a tad tedious, just trudge on. Chapter four sounds promising and I am incredibly interested in finding out where these kiddos are heading! 
And dammit! Tell me more about this tesseract! 
I guess I can wait until tomorrow...maybe. I might have to sneak and read chapter four later on. No, I won't do that. Half the fun of reading aloud with the kids is being surprised together. Ugh. Fine, I'll wait. 

In other reading news, Lil finished all of her Usborne Lily the Elf books! She was so proud to bring me the final book when she was done. The fact that I was in the shower when she did so was of no consequence to her. After a speedy conversation about what she should read next and me griping that she was letting out the steam, she left me to finish my shower. Sort of. She was waiting for me when I got out. 
Perks of motherhood, right? 

I am almost to part two of Sleeping Beauties by Stephen and Owen King. The story is picking up speed. Characters have acknowledged that had it been MEN under the sleeping curse women would probably hold it together better than males have. Evie Black has shown us more of her 'abilities' over the last couple of chapters. It will be interesting to hear more of her story. Last, but not least, I'm sort of having a love-hate relationship with the sheriff. Severe sleep deprivation aside, I wonder if she would be as obdurate under normal circumstances. 

 I'm going to toss in some unabashed business promotion here. 

A new title was released on my Usborne site today! The Cherry Pie Princess looks super cute! Click on the link the read more. 
Several of the Learning Palette cards, sets, and Learning Wrap-Ups are back in stock now. Those are a lot of fun for kids who are interested in a more puzzle/game style approach to learning concepts. What's even better is that they are self-correcting. No need for you to check answers. 
If you homeschool, or even help with school work for your public schooler, and you have more than one kiddo, you know how convenient that is!

Side-tracked by the minions and I totally lost my train of thought. 
Heh, mom brain. 

I just want to give a quick shout out to all of my friends on Goodreads! I will be stalking your lists in order to find some new titles for me/us this year. If you have any suggestions please let me know! We are a group of eclectic readers here, any suggestions are welcome. 
My list isn't very long. As you might see, there are some titles on there for some of the kiddos. I need to update their lists too. 

I guess that about does it for me tonight. I have a preteen saying he's bored, a teen holed away in his room, and Lil Monster raiding the snack cabinet. I may need to herd them all into the living room so we can have an intense match of Machi Koro later. 

Stay tuned for posts on how we homeschool/gameschool and the awesome pages we follow for tips and ideas to incorporate more play to our day! You don't have to "homeschool" to bring gameschooling to your house either. It's just... FUN!

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