The good news? It's Wednesday and Alaska finally had another snowfall. It wasn't an exciting amount of snow, but it was consistent through most of the day.
The not-so-good news? We really didn't accomplish as much as I'd hoped today. Eh, it happens. There's always tomorrow and we have nowhere to go all day.
We did succeed in reading the first chapter of A Wrinkle In Time. Both K2 and Lil Monster are interested in learning more about Mrs. Whatsit. In the next chapter we are introduced to Mrs. Who and a little of Mrs. Which. I'm pretty sure Calvin comes into the story around then as well. Of course, we are all eager to hear more about this "tesseract" Mrs. Whatsit mentioned to the mother. I doubt this book will take us very long to complete. It gives us plenty of time to reflect before critiquing the movie when it comes out. *March 9th, in case you were wondering* 😉
Other than that, it was a fairly mundane Wednesday. Lil Monster was on more of an "unschooly" track today. She binge watched DIY Sci with Steve Spangler, tried one of the experiments (with Sherlock supervising), and used watercolors on a page from our Van Gogh coloring book. K2 did science on the computer. K1 did math and finished the last of his nutrition course.
Exciting stuff, isn't it?
We did go out and shovel snow.

Talking to my fellow "inappropriate" moms on FB is a win every day for me, you know who you are! I'm definitely looking forward to reading Salvage the Bones and discussing it soon.
A couple books I ordered for customers from my Usborne website arrived.
^^That was actually pretty exciting, because I am an easy to please person. Getting books in the mail, even if they aren't for me and my family, is like Christmas all over again.
Tomorrow definitely needs to be more entertaining. Not too much, because: anxiety. Just enough to make writing about it not seem so boring. Seriously, it was a terribly boring day. Reading our book was awesome, getting books was great, watching my kids get through their stuff was relieving, laundry is the bane of my existence, we aren't going to speak of the dishes, and Tucker (our robot vacuum) really needs to learn how to traverse the stairs.
To top off the night I will be drinking a glass of Chardonnay, folding the pile o'laundry on my bed, and snuggling up to Sleeping Beauties.
As for you guys, I leave you with this:
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