Yea, I took a few days off blogging. Why? Well, because I got sucked into a few books. There could be worse things, right?
Kiddos and I are working on normalizing our education days and getting fun stuff tossed in with it. We've been devouring A Wrinkle In Time, only 2 chapters left! And I have read 4 books for fun. It's been awesome!
What wasn't so awesome was getting so into a book that I stayed up until almost 2am to finish it. That left me feeling pretty crappy today. Oh well, it was a wonderful story! More about making life changes and personal growth than romance. The romance side was sweet, but the heart of the book was so much better. If you're interested, it's called The Bookshop on the Corner. I wasn't sure I would care for it at first, but it wasn't long before I felt I just couldn't put it down!
Of course, after finishing Sleeping Beauties by Stephen and Owen King, I had to jump right into Gwendy's Button Box. That too was a phenomenal read. Short and sweet. Loved it!
The last one I read I told myself was for my Usborne business... That's not entirely true. After reading book 1, I HAD to get the next. Now I just need to suck it up and buy the rest of the lot. I need to know what happens! Great for those in the middle grades, and possibly younger. I intend on choosing the first book as one of our family reads. You can find that whole series right here.
K2 listened to all of The Red Pyramid and is now on book 2 of the Kane Chronicles. I knew he would enjoy that series once he got into it.
Lil Monster has finished almost all of the books she got for Christmas. Now I'm directing her to others we already have. Her reading has taken off so suddenly and I'm so proud of her! K1 hasn't read much of anything lately, unless it's required for school. I'm okay with that for now. He will be part of our family reading time once we finish AWIT.
How about gameschooling?! Have you busted out some old favs or new ones to play around with lately? We finally broke open Jim Henson's Labyrinth board game yesterday. Alas, poor Toby was lost to Jareth and turned into a goblin. We will save him next time! We also pulled out Sushi Go and played a quick game before bed. If you haven't tried that one, please do! Watch a video on the game play, if the directions are confusing, and you will pick it up fast. I promise! Lil Monster has also decided she loves Grammar in a Jar. It's not so much of a game as it is "name the preposition/pronoun in this sentence." We have Figurative Language in a Jar too. She really likes it, and it does help her with the puzzle that is the English language, so it can't be too bad. I think I need to spice it up a bit. Maybe make it into a real game, added onto checkers or something, where you have to get the card correct in order to remove a checker piece. Maybe hang-man style? I don't know yet. Any ideas?
Tonight, once I finally step away from this evil computer and make enchiladas, I think we are going to watch another episode of Sherlock (don't get me started, I know I'm going to be so pissed when we finish it) and then play Covalence. We were so immersed in AWIT today we didn't accomplish much else. At least I can sneak some chemistry in before bed.
I have so many games on my wish list these days. It's kind of embarrassing. Books and games, those are my weaknesses. Add a glass of good wine/coffee/tea and I'm happy to sit at home. Speaking of, I scored an awesome shirt at Hot Topic today. It's perfect for my reading addiction!
Let me know what you and/or your kiddos are reading and playing these days! I'd love to know! The next book I'm cracking open tonight is The Trespasser by Tana French. I'd read another of her books, In the Woods, last year. It wasn't bad, not my favorite but a decent read.
I guess I'd better get started on feeding the minions before anarchy begins. If only I had a Snickers to throw at them while they wait.
Luckily, our dinner didn't take too long! It took me even less time to eat it. 🤣 I was was starving.
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